Monday, May 24, 2010

Creating a Research Culture

Author: Christos CHRISTOPOULOS, Department of Electrical and Electrical Engineering, University Nottingham, UK

  1. Show that you care about research-it should not be be the last thing on your list ("After I have done my teaching and administration if there is spare time I will do some research"!!). Sabbatical if you can afford them.
  2. Set aside good quality time for research-long uninterrupted periods to focus something...
  3. Identify key people of ability and enthusiasm and ask them to be champions in encouraging and involving others.
  4. Encourage and reward others for trying hard not only for succeeding
  5. Organise regular research seminars and encourage staff and students to attend. These should be by external speaker and also internal candidates who are working on a research project.
  6. You need infrastructure to get research done and this means funds! Identify key equipment and try to get them. Avoid buying expensive equipment just to say that your have them when in fact you have no idea what to do with them. You will always be short of research funds.
  7. In order to do research you must get involved in work. You cannot sit and wait for a bright idea to come! Get involved in some activity, study the relevant literature on the subject, attend a conference and try to identify gaps in knowledge where you feel you could contribute.
  8. Try to highlight to your Department the importance you attach to research by: organizing a research poster day once a year; publicizing possible sources of funding o industrial contacts who may be interested in sponsoring work; holding research seminars; producing a brief research report highlighting current research work which is circulated to all staff.
  9. It takes time to build up a research culture and a critical mass for research. So be patient and show long term commitment.
  10. Some people are natural researchers... try to give them more time for research by limiting other tasks. This has to be done with sensitivity! It is almost resented by other staff. But you need to nurture research activity and you need to explain why this is done.