Thursday, November 19, 2009

Slide Presentation of Journal Club Meeting(format ppt)

  1. A modified nanosphere lithography for the fabrication of aminosilanepolystyrene nanoring arrays
  2. Characterization of ZnO Thin Films
  3. Fabrication of Highly Ordered Metallic Arrays and Silicon Pillars with Controllable size Using NSL
  4. Polystyrene as a zwitter resist
  6. Wet Chemical Approaches to Patterned Arrays of Well-Aligned ZnO Nanopillars Assisted by Monolayer
Format : PPT
Month: October 2009

Nanotechnology Journal's collection (Nov. 2009) Vol. (7)

  1. Sub 10nmHigh Aspect Ratio Patterning of ZnO Using EB
  2. Turning PMMA Nanofibers into Graphene Nanoribbons by In Situ EB Irradiation
  3. Three-dimensional fabrication on GaAs surfaces using electron-beam-induced carbon deposition followed by wet chemical etching
  4. High-resolution EB patternable nanocomposite containing metal nanoparticles for plasmonics
  5. Photonic Crystal Structures as a Basis for a Three-Dimensionally Interpenetrating Electrochemical-Cell System
  6. The fabrication of carbon nanostructures using electron beam resist pyrolysis and nanomachining processes for biosensing applications

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dear Students and readers;

I have observed on how we learn and be a better person. I found out that a theory or philosophy, a strong one, will lead us to success. Such philosophy, perfectionist, is a powerfull philosophy to be followed. Another one, is to be an expert, we need to be able to manipulate.....sometime, become oportunist.

As an example, if we are to train to use a machine, till we are able to modify it or make something out of it, or manipulate it or incorporated it with other accessories, than we can't be the expert. A good machinist, will be able to manipulate, does a good leader. A good supervisor.....will be able to manipulate his students. Therefore, maybe you think this is a crazy ideas......try it. Let do some observation.

If our group one to be an expert in this nano thing, I want to see how you could manage to use this group to influence people, manipulate people to get